Thursday, March 20, 2008

MCCCU sponsors CYL ~ Co-Operative Young Leaders Program ~

Experience the CYL Magic!

Co-operative Young Leaders is a summer experience unlike any other. This week-long camp brings young people together from all across Ontario to learn about and practice communication and leadership through co-operative activities.

CYL has three main goals:
* To provide young people with a fantastic summer camp experience
* To develop leadership and communication skills and foster self-confidence
* To create a stronger awareness of co-ops and co-operative principles

Motor City Community Credit Union is sponsoring one youth member (ages 14-18) to experience this exciting and innovative summer camp.
Experience the Magic and develop the next generation of co-op and credit union leaders. Contact your local branch for more details on this memorable and exhilarating experience or visit for your application today!

To learn more about On Co-op visit

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bowling, Bowling, Bowling

Cancer Centre Bowlathon:

The Motor City staff rallied together and supported this years 12th Annual Bowlero Cancer Centre Bowlathon. With a couple teams, good hearts and strong pledges, the MCCCU bowlers headed out on February 23rd to support this very worthy cause. The event turned out to be a blast and we’d like to personally thank everyone for their support. It’s events like these that keep those in need strong and hopeful. Thanks Again, see you next year!

Bowling for Big Brothers & Sisters:

Saturday March 1st Motor City Community Credit Union took place in the Big Brothers & Sisters Fundraising Bowlathon at Rose Bowl Lanes. This event, as always had an incredible turnout with much success!

MCCCU Fundraiser Luncheons

As many of you know, Motor City hosted BBQ fundraisers throughout the summer to support our local charities. We kept the good times Rollin’ into the fall and winter months with several Fundraiser Luncheons held at all 4 branch locations. From chili to stew, all the way to baked goods, the staff at MCCCU made these benefits possible by preparing these delicious goods. Motor City would like to send a special thanks to all of our members who attended and supported our luncheons. Again, you’ve shown just how much our community supports one another and have helped change the lives of those in need. We have received several letters of thanks from the organizations that we’ve supported and they send their many thanks as well. Thank You!

Callaway In School Golf Program

MCCCU has also ‘tied the knot’ with the Callaway Golf in Schools Program, a grass roots initiative that will see golf incorporated into the elementary school curriculum throughout the province of Ontario for the first time. Motor City sponsors Our Lady of Perpetual Help elementary school, aiding our youth in incorporating life-skills and values such as honesty, fair play, and respect, and applying lessons that not only aid in achieving everyday success, but also form the foundation of the spirit of golf. Thank You Callaway Golf for bringing such a great initiative into our schools!

In Honour of the Ones We Love ~ Gala 08

MCCCU was, once again, the proud sponsor of the annual In Honour of the Ones We Love gala held on February 16th at the Ciociaro Club. Motor City employees and board members were in attendance to support this hard-working and commendable organization. To learn more about In Honour of the Ones We Love, please visit